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Pups and Paws Prevention C.I.C.

Welcome to
Pups and Paws Prevention
​(One Health Global Community Initiative)
C.I.C. Reg 15937281
Pups and Paws Prevention C.I.C is a not for profit community interest company and led entirely by volunteers.
We donate 100% of all surplus profit from sales of plastic free merchandise to our animal-welfare charity partners. We are passionate about supporting spaying/neutering/preventative work. We also facilitate discussions and workshops at festivals, markets and other events. We aim to benefit the local, national and international community.
​We also donate to shelter, food and transport costs where needed.

Why Spay/Neuter animals?
Throughout the world including the UK, animal overpopulation is a problem. Feral and neglected dogs and cats live rough and challenging lives. Animals in shelters may spend much of their lives in confinement despite the very best efforts of volunteers and staff. This is particularly true abroad where the numbers of unwanted animals are overwhelming. A large number are eventually euthanised. We can and must do better. In addition stray dogs can harbour parasites and in some countries, Rabies. Through better animal welfare policies, the health and welfare of both the animal and human population improves.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates there are nearly 200 million stray dogs worldwide and an even higher number of stray cats. These animals are often subjected to poor health and welfare. They may be starved, beaten and riddled with parasites.
Dottie's Story
Dottie was found vulnerable and heavily pregnant by the team from Pennypaws Rescue on a trip to Romania in May 2024. Dottie was trapped in the cycle of producing repeated litters. Harassed by territorial male dogs. Who themselves are at risk of injury due to aggression and fighting due to being unneutered. Often puppies are born overnight putting Dottie at even greater risk should labour have been challenging. Fortunately the amazing Pennypaws Rescue volunteers were able to safely remove Dottie from the roadside and place her in a safe, private shelter. Dottie was sterilised on 22nd July 2024 following a successful spay/neuter campaign run by Pennypaws Rescue and a local veterinary practice in Snagov, Romania.
Pups and Paws Prevention C.I.C are delighted to be assisting in organising and attending the next mass sterilisation event on 15/16/17 May 20205 in Snagov, Romania in partnership with Pennypaws Rescue and their German colleagues at 2gether4stray e.V.
For more information regarding the importance of sterilisation, please click on the link and watch this short 10 minute video by Leonie and Neil Morris which outlines the issues.
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