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Pups and Paws Prevention C.I.C.

Welcome to
Pups and Paws Prevention
​(One Health Global Community Initiative)
C.I.C. Reg 15937281
Pups and Paws Prevention C.I.C is a not for profit community interest company and led entirely by volunteers.
We donate 100% of all surplus profit from sales of plastic free merchandise to our animal-welfare charity partners. We are passionate about supporting spaying/neutering/preventative work. We also facilitate discussions and workshops at festivals, markets and other events. We aim to benefit the local, national and international community.
​We also donate to shelter, food and transport costs where needed.
Facilitated Discussion and Workshops
The Team Cooperative which forms Pups and Paws Prevention C.I.C, holds a wealth of knowledge and experience regarding the animal rescue world and responsible dog ownership. We want to encourage active participation by members of the public, when addressing animal welfare issues, both at home and abroad. We do this by leading facilitated discussions/workshops at festivals, markets and other events. This may be simply on a one to one basis with a curious individual or as part of a time-tabled discussion. We believe in providing everyone with a voice to share their experiences and ask questions, regardless of background or levels of experience.

Discussion Topics
Decompression and Settling in Period: Bringing your new rescue dog/cat home.
Dogs and cats need the security of routine much like us. They need to know that they will be fed, watered and free from harm. Many adopted animals have experienced uncertainty and multiple changes. In some cases they may also have been abused or neglected. How can we ensure that their arrival to their new home provides the very best opportunity for success? How can we reduce the potential for adoption breakdowns early on in the new placement? We will facilitate a discussion around the best methods to alleviate stress and promote bonding and trust.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Insecurity, Trauma and Loss in rescue dogs.
We cannot fail to be moved by the horrendous plight of those people living in war-torn areas and countries. Much like their human counterparts, animals escaping hostile environments including warzones and unethical treatment both at home and abroad, can also experience post-traumatic stress disorder. We facilitate a discussion about the signs and symptoms of anxiety, stress and fear in traumatised dogs. How can we best ease their suffering? How can we reduce high levels of adrenalin and cortisol? How can we encourage trust and bonding?
Reactivity Behaviours: How to safely address reactive and fear-based behaviours including livestock and wildlife protection
Does your rescue dog display high levels of reactivity? Maybe they lunge at passers-by, cyclists or other dogs? Perhaps they have a full 'meltdown' at the mere sight of another dog. Many of us connected to Pups and Paws Prevention C.I.C. have experienced these scenarios. We know how upsetting and stressful this can be for our own mental health. As we gradually begin to isolate ourselves and avoid challenging situations. In this discussion we consider the different options to help. And most importantly remind you that you are not alone! We also touch on the legal expectations regarding dog ownership in respect of protecting wildlife and livestock especially in rural areas.
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