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Pups and Paws Prevention C.I.C.

Welcome to
Pups and Paws Prevention
​(One Health Global Community Initiative)
C.I.C. Reg 15937281
Pups and Paws Prevention C.I.C is a not for profit community interest company and led entirely by volunteers.
We donate 100% of all surplus profit from sales of plastic free merchandise to our animal-welfare charity partners. We are passionate about supporting spaying/neutering/preventative work. We also facilitate discussions and workshops at festivals, markets and other events. We aim to benefit the local, national and international community.
​We also donate to shelter, food and transport costs where needed.

As a fully registered not for profit Community Interest Company (C.I.C) we welcome and appreciate all financial donations however great or small. We are a team of unpaid volunteers. We keep our costs to a bare minimum by working from home and reducing our overheads. Any donation made will be used for the following purposes only:
To support the direct animal welfare work of our charity partners with a particular emphasis upon spaying and neutering.
To assist Pups and Paws Prevention C.I.C to purchase any essential equipment for market and festival trading such as tables and chairs as needed etc
Our bank details are below. Please add the reference "Donation" to bank transfers. If you wish to support a specific charity partner, please use the relevant reference:
'HAPPY' (Happy Landings Animal Rescue)
'GUNJUR' (Gunjur Dog Patrol)
'PENNY' (Pennypaws Rescue)
Account Number: 12668032
Sort Code: 08-71-99
As a not for profit, small organisation we really appreciate any offers of support and aid. So that we can raise awareness across the country and interact directly with the public and not just behind a screen.
Many Thanks
Leonie Morris
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